Stop the Straw Campaign
To reduce the impact of single-use plastics in our landfill and harbor, ReMain joined the Stop the Straw campaign initiated by ACKLOCAL for the Town of Nantucket. Collaborating alongside Maria Mitchell Association, Nantucket Department of Public Works (DPW), the Nantucket Dreamland, and The Inquirer & Mirror, a multi-level approach was taken to generate strong awareness and encourage change.
Several free film screenings of Straws and Plastic Ocean, subsequent talks, and a reusable straw giveaway were offered to the general public throughout the year. ReMain also launched a plastics ad campaign through the I&M and sponsored an episode from the children’s programming television series, Out To See.
These efforts helped shift the island’s thinking about single-use plastics. ACKLocal’s Stop the Straw campaign led to over 29 local establishments voluntarily signing a pledge to eliminate their distribution of single-use plastics. The endeavor also eventually led to a 2020 Plastics Ban to preserve the health of our island.