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Bike and walking path cutting through a green space, with Nantucket Harbor in the distance and the edge of historic downtown in the background, set against a blue sky with minimal clouds.

The Remain Vision

Remain believes in the power of connection between dreamers and doers. It encourages collaborations that link Nantucket organizations, ideas and programs that advance initiatives to positively impact the island’s future.

About Remain

Remain works to bring creative thinking to environmental and community challenges, elevate local industry and encourage innovation and resilience. Remain Nantucket engages in charitable work to support the evolution of a healthy year-round community across the island. Remain Ventures invests in buildings and mission-related businesses that strengthen Nantucket’s year-round economy and spark innovation that brings long-term value to the island’s residents. Both Remain Nantucket and Remain Ventures are funded by Wendy Schmidt and her husband Eric to support the local economy, community and environmental vitality of the island of Nantucket.

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Remain team sitting at a long conference table in their offices, with one team member speaking while the rest turn to listen.

Our history

The Story of Remain

Engaging with the Nantucket community since 2008

While launching their work with communities around the world, Wendy and Eric Schmidt turned their attention to Nantucket, believing that the island could serve as a microcosm for innovation and a model for how philanthropy can positively impact a small community. Over the years, Remain has supported numerous islanders—believing that together they can advance efforts to serve the community, the environment and bring economic vitality to its people.

Why Nantucket?

For generations, Nantucket’s people have been resilient—from the Wampanoag people who first inhabited and maintained a balanced relationship with nature and a close tending of the land and water, to the whalers of the 18th and 19th centuries who ventured around the globe in the search for oil, to the entrepreneurs of today who make Nantucket one of the most sought after places to live and visit.


It takes an island.

Black and white drawn map rendering of the island of Nantucket, set against the Atlantic Ocean.

Land acknowledgment


Remain recognizes Nantucket as the traditional territory of the Wampanoag people and as an acknowledgement to its Indigenous peoples’ history, is guided by the ethos of reciprocity for the land, ocean and island’s resources.


Explore the Envision Resilience Indigenous Knowledge Systems Initiative, a program of Remain.

Remain is part of the philanthropic organizations and initiatives created and funded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt to work toward a healthy, resilient, secure world for all.